
In the company of women book tour.
In the company of women book tour.

in the company of women book tour. in the company of women book tour. in the company of women book tour.

While feminism thus described is imagined as a story of linear progress, most women’s lives in the last 50 years have only been getting worse. Among the pandemic’s exposures and amplifications had been the limits of Anglo-America’s mainstream “feminist” project. As such, the show itself remained “unfinished,” yet the irony was more a function of the “business” implied. The exhibition had been due to run until February 2021 but was extended in light of COVID-19 to run until August. IN JUNE 2021, cycling for the first time to my London workplace in the tailwind of two national lockdowns, I indulged in noting the irony in a banner outside the British Library, advertising its exhibition Unfinished Business: The Fight for Women’s Empowerment.

In the company of women book tour.